College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Dean Elizabeth Dom-ogen, faculty members Romeo Gomez and Jason Leung, and students Aldrin Baniaga (MS Environmental Science) and Arra Jeane Mirador (BSES IV) participated in a mobility program with the Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (EHL).The BSU delegates attended the Transdisciplinary Intercultural International Project (TIIP) Annual Assembly from June 21 to July 11, 2024, in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
The TIIP Annual Assembly brings together students and faculty from diverse academic backgrounds and cultural contexts to engage in interdisciplinary learning and research. The program aims to promote intercultural understanding and collaboration on global issues, providing participants with a unique platform to exchange ideas, develop new skills, and build professional networks.
To ensure the delegates were well-prepared for this international experience, a Pre-Departure Orientation Session (PDOS) was held on June 20, 2024. The session covered essential travel information, cultural insights, and academic expectations, equipping the participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to make the most of their time in Germany.