International Visitor | Lithuanian Professor Lectures on AI in Education

Vytautas Magnus University Professor Lina Abraitiene conducted a lecture series about the use of AI in Education on April 2, 2024. The event commenced with an introduction by IRO Director Rex John G. Bawang, who warmly welcomed the participants and introduced the esteemed speaker.

The first session was about Integration of AI in Personalized Learning while the afternoon session was on Gamifcation and AI in Education. A total of 270 students actively participated in the two-session event attended by students from the College of Arts and Humanities (CAH), College of Information Sciences (CIS), College of Human Kinetics (CHK) and College of Teacher Education (CTE).

The event was facilitated and organized by CAH IRO Focal Person Jhordan T. Cuilan, CIS IRO Focal Person Jovelyn P. Lao-e, CHK focal person Jandy U. Gay-as, CTE IRO Focal Person Desiree F. Botengan, the IRO Staff and interns.