This Category is for Event posts
Benguet State University welcomed 23 delegates from the Migration and Social Transformation (Misotrans) Network on September 10–11, 2024 for the 2024 Summer Academy. The academy aims to immerse participants in the Cordilleran cultural landscapes, providing them with the global perspectives and skills needed to address complex social challenges. During their visit, they attended a series…
Students from different delegations were given the chance to showcase their diverse cultural dances and costumes. Mr. Aldrin Baniaga (MS Student) and Ms. Arra Jeanne Mirador perfomed the tayao dance of Benguet to celebrate the successful conduct of the Assembly. #bsutotheworld
The Indigenous dances are part of our culture as Cordillerans and we are delighted to showcase these dances to the community. Integrating cultural dances into the curriculum is crucial. According to Ms. Corina L. Masing, it is unusual for the youth to have access to the culture which is likely to be forgotten because we…
College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Dean Elizabeth Dom-ogen, faculty members Romeo Gomez and Jason Leung, and students Aldrin Baniaga (MS Environmental Science) and Arra Jeane Mirador (BSES IV) participated in a mobility program with the Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (EHL).The BSU delegates attended the Transdisciplinary Intercultural International Project (TIIP) Annual Assembly from June 21 to July…
National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan once again invited our Professors from the College of Arts and Humanities to serve as resource speakers/lecturers for their training assistants. Dr. Ka Ra S. Panolong and Dr. Tullay Ronda Bataclao, though it’s not their first time to travel, came over for a Pre Departure Orientation Session (PDOS). Hopeful as always for…
Pre Departure Orientation Session (PDOS) this time is for the participation of Mr Aldrin Baniaga, MS Envi Sci and Ms Arra Jeane Mirador, BSES IV in the Trans Disciinary Intercultural International Project (TIIP) Annual Assembly starting June 21-July 11, 2024 at Ludwigsburg, Germany. They will be with the CNS Dean Dr. Elizabeth Dom-ogen and faculty…
BSU expands its global network by recognizing four new partner institutions in a ceremonial partnership agreement signing on May 15, 2024. The university solidified these partnerships by signing three Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with Maksima Teacher Training Centre, Croatia; Uniwersytet Wroclawski (University of Wroclaw), Poland; and Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA), Indonesia, along with a Memorandum…
In participation of Philippine-Australia Friendship Day 2024, the International Relations Office (IRO) organized a networking meeting with Austrade Representative Daina Bersales on May 17, 2024 at the RDC Conference Hall. Facilitated by IRO Director Rex John Bawang, the event saw participation from representatives from different colleges and BSU campuses, both onsite and online. During the…
Exploring partnership with Wadhwani Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Los Altos CA, USA that focuses on accelerating job growth and enabling millions to earn a family-sustaining wage. Thank you for considering Benguet State University as a potential partner, and to sir Lucrecio Cris Delgado Jr. for your time with the team from the BSU-International…