Integrating Talent Development into Innovation Ecosystems in Higher Education

The INNOTAL project aims to build the capacity of universities in the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India to embed graduates’ employability in their core activities and to facilitate the development of student talent through co-curricular and extracurricular innovation activities involving key stakeholders, with a view to contributing to youth employment, inclusive growth and sustainable development.

External Stakeholder’s Consultation Workshop

Business owners, Science and Technology representative, Regional Agency Personnel were invited to participate in the 2nd External Stakeholder’s Consultation Workshop last November 8, 2019.There were a total of 10 participants who actively participated in the said workshop.

The event was held March 20, 2019. More than 25 faculty members, staff and students participated, representing different departments at the University. They discussed their expectations from the INNOTAL project and the possible arrangements for the INNOTAL Talent Co-Creation Labs.