International Relations Office

“BSU to the WORLD, the WORLD to BSU.”

The Lead Office in Facilitating and Coordinating International Partnerships for the University

These can be acquired through two kinds of exposure, cross-border and homebased internationalization, hence the motto “BSU to the World, the World to BSU”. Cross-border exposures bring BSU teachers, staff or students to other countries where they gain insights through face-to-face interaction and actual experiences with people in those places. Homebased exposures are those that bring people and/or ideas from overseas to interact with us here in the University.


The BSU-International Relations Office as a dynamic international player in higher education, research, extension and partnerships.


Our mission is to provide an enabling environment for internationalization (IZN) by strengthening academic, research, and partnership engagement and building the University constituents global mind-set and capabilities. BSU being at the fore front of academic, research and IZN engagements in the Cordillera region


1. Establish and develop international institutional linkages;
2. Package proposals for development projects, institutional partnerships or project collaborations;
3. Assist in fund sourcing in support to university projects;
4. Organize activities with international partners
5. Monitor implementation of funded projects or programs outsourced by IRO
(BOR Res. 2329, s.2014)

Internationalization Roadmap of BSU


Annual Report

2024 Accomplishment Report


2023 Accomplishment Report


2022 Accomplishment Report


2021 Accomplishment Report