IRO Through the Years









Dr. Christian Della, Visiting Lecturer from the University of Glasgow in Singapore conducted a seminar on, “Simulation Driven Design in Engineering”attended by faculty members and students of the college of Engineering and Applied Technology (CEAT)

Benguet State University officials together with representatives of Mountain Province State Polytechnic College and Kalinga State University posed with the delevagation from Taiwan led by the former Minister of Council of Agriculture of Taiwan, Dr. Eing-Ming Wu during their Visit at the university.

Mr. Muhammedhaisam Dao and Waerusalan Waekaday, student from the Princess of Naradhiwas University in Thailand with their teacher, Mr. Muhammadbakhoree Yusuh (center) arrived at Benguet State University. The two Students were to undergo training on tissue culture with the Horticulture Institute.

Dr. Benoit Clerget, Visiting Lecturer from the French Agricultural Research for Internal Development of Plants (CIRAD) shares his knowledge to faculty members, researchers and students of the College of Agriculture on the Development of Plants in Aerobic Rice Crops” at Centre BSU Strawberry Hall.

Academic Meeting with the Faculty members of the Department of Agricultural Eucation, Department of Engineering Education and the Faculty of Industrial Education of King Mongkut Institute of Technology for joint program in Agriculture Education, for joint research and for Faculty and student mobility at Ladkrabang, Thailand.

Overview of the Programs and tour to the campus of Kanchanaphisek Technical College by its Deputy Director Dr. Rachaneekorn Makkasaman with Benguet State University Officials fro possible collaborations in Automotive education and student practicum at Mahanakorn, Thailand

King Monkut’s International Demostration School (KMIDS), Thailang Asst. Professor Sunanta Plubdang briefed the team’s function of the KMIDS and Led the team to a tour of their state-of-the art facilities in Thailand.

Exploratory Meeting at the King Mongkut University of Technology in Thonburi (KMUTT).

Academic visit to the regular elementary and high school departments, as well as the English Program and the Vocational Section of the Saimitsuksa International School Group.

Benguet State University Officials with the delegates from Phichit, Thailad during thier visit at the University.

Benguet State University Officials with the delegates from Shatrinakhonsawan School, Thailand headed by Miss Sudsawat Yuangjam..

Delegates from 15 Countriess with the Benguet State University Officials of the European Commission Erasmus Plus funded project entitled: “Integrating Talent Development into Innovation Ecosystems in the Higher Education (InnoTAL)” rirst collaboration workshop and kick-off meeting.

Director of International Relation Office, Dr. Darlyn D. Tagarino introducing Ms. Jullie Ann Lucca. a new Peace Corps Response Volunteer from Antioch, California. Ms. Lucca, an expert on food science will help the Food Processing Center and the College of Home Economics and Technology for seven months.

Benguet State University Officials led by the University President Dr. Feliciano G. Calora Jr. with the delegates from the Center of Development Programs, Philippines, Odisee University and SOLIDAGRO, Belgium pose exploratory discussions for partnerships on community development, Faculty and student exchange and research collaboration.