For the Curriculum Development for AgroEcology, BSU is tasked for Dissemination and Exploitation. With this, the prooject staff produced Articles, Photo Stories, Categorized as Online dissemination initiatives and actions by the consortium and other partners. These includes sharing of posts from the CDAE website and Facebook Page.

The CDAE was also able to host events such as press conferences, Workshops, Broadcast dissemination. This aims to present the project in the local, regional, national and international. There were 3 presentationss conducted by Philippines partners two from BSU and one fro CLSU. BSU was also hosted by the Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic.

For BSU, there are four conducted activities for the stakeholders. These activities are for the preparation for the of Master Science curriculum development, course syllabus, harmonization of the European Credit Transfer System and Philippine Credits System.